Saturday, March 23, 2013

I'm a Woman of Moderate Talent(s)

I have recently come across the parable that Jesus told about talents. In that time, a talent was a measurement of mass - one talent was approximately 60kg.

As read in both Matthew 25 and Luke 19, a master goes away on a long trip, but before going away, gives three of his servants different amounts of money to invest. To one, he gives five talents, to the second he gives two talents and to the third, one talent, each according to his own ability. The first man invests his five talents and when the master returns, has doubled the original amount. The second servant does the same. The third servant is afraid to take the risk of investment, and buries the talent in the ground. He has nothing more to show his master other than the original amount. After rewarding the first two servants for their investment returns, the master shamed the third, called him lazy and wicked, and gave the money to one of the other servants.

Parables always have a story within the story, right? Here's what I'm learning from this one.

We're ALL God's servants. And he's gifted us each with talents, gifts, abilities and capacities. We are called to invest these. To use our gifts and to cultivate the Kingdom of God. To invest with anticipation of a return of people coming to Jesus and growing in Him. This is part of being faithful to Him.

Got it.
But first, the question must be asked, "Am I a five, two or one talent servant??"
We have to be careful not to over-invest, and we cannot fearfully/obliviously under-invest.

I know some five talent people. They're amazing! I cannot fathom living their lives [successfully]. You know, those families who have five kids, have jobs, a garden, volunteer, always have their home open, are generous with their time and attention, are genuine, focused, they cook and bake and can and make homemade baby food, use fabric diapers, and still have time to drink tea and write a blog. Haha. WHOA. Just writing that raises my anxiety level.

I am a three talent kind of woman
And I'm okay with this.

I am continually learning what gifts, talents and capacity God has given me, and it is grace and joy-bearing to live these out!
Serving and loving my husband by keeping home, investing in him and our marriage and building foundation for our family - my heart is full.
Encouraging, teaching, caring for, cultivating hearts... 1:1 or in small groups - oh sings my soul.
Being part of a team where I can be given an idea or a task and run with it - glory, glory, hallelujah.
Give me a few hours, a topic to write and inspire on - yes please.
Investing in the lives of friends and family through genuine, honest conversation, sharing empathy, support and life - joyous moments.

By God's grace, I can invest this talent. And through the last few years, I've learned my need for quiet, for rest, for stillness. If I don't have those moments every day, I drop my talent. I am at overcapacity. I'm investing more than I have, which is evidence of poor stewardship, of foolishness, of pride. This is what makes me a three-talent-woman.

Sometimes I over-invest because I've shifted my eyes off of Jesus, and onto five talent people that I have in my life. I need to remember what Jesus said about the master in the parable; he gave the five/two/one talents to the servants each according to his own ability. God designs our abilities. His designs are always perfect. More talent/capacity isn't better. It is best to recognize my talent, and carry it well. More or less than what God has given me isn't bad. He gives what what he has designs us to have. Be at peace with this. 

If I have three talents, here is how they are divided right now.
1. One talent for investing in Andrew and home.
2. One talent for investing in friends, family and community.
3. One talent for my job, for investing in volunteers and youth.
This is important as I will instinctively flip that order. This is the order that God has designed me to invest. If I drop any one of these, another area suffers. If I over-invest in any one of these, another area suffers. Balance-balance-balance! This take great wisdom, and great grace.

The master returned. He celebrated the first two servants who took the risk to invest. He shamed and rejected the third who was lazy and fearful. It takes risk to put ourselves out there. It takes work to gain a reward. God knows what we are capable of through the gifts he's given us. Why do we shy away? Be BOLD. Work HARD.

The reward? Kingdom growth and treasures in Heaven. Glory glory, hallelujah.  
Some questions to think about:
- how many talents has God given and designed me to invest?
- what are my gifts and abilities?
- what is my capacity?
- am I over-investing? Under-investing? Why?
- am I over-investing in one area and abandoning other areas?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy Spring, Happy Cycling!

Summer (spring&fall) biking is one of my favourite things. You can zip around this city so fast on two wheels and a leg muscle.

I decided on Monday to make the 7.5km commute to work by bicycle.  I'm thankful for designated 'bike streets' and that vehicle drivers are used to sharing the road with bicyclists. When we last lived in the city, I took 10th Ave across the city and back each day to and from work. I'm hoping to bike to work as regularly as possible this spring and summer! For those who don't live in Vancouver, the City has designated side streets all over the city as 'bike streets'; cars can still drive and park on them but since they are residential and narrow, the vehicle traffic is low.

MAN. I am out of bicycle shape! Vancouver hills kicked my butt today. That said, my current bike is too small for me, which makes the uphill killer. I've already been on Criagslist looking for a new bike.

Anyway, I enjoy riding my bike for a number of reasons:
1. Exercise.
2. It's fun.
3. Free, easy parking.
4. Speedy.
5. I can get places in the city that a car cannot.
6. I get to see the city up close and personal.
7. Time to think and reflect.

And glory, glory, today was sunny. Thought I'd share my ride home random thoughting.
One mamma has a green stroller,
another mamma's is grey and pink.
First mamma's is probably green in material,
eco-friendly and lifetime warranty, several hundred dollars.
Home owners, business owners, granite countertop and diamond rings.
Second Mamma's from Walmart bought from welfare, double seater for her two babies,
daddy gone, on her own, starting a new life for her family.
Oh the contrasts.

Commercial Drive,
you have turned so hipster!
Beards and skinnies, turquoise tights, thick rims.
Not so gritty; feeling polished.
Hydro boxes with graphics and every third place a trendy restaurant.
Fashion and status, for people who don't buy fashion or want status.

Hard, uphill work.
Kids on skateboards,
full parks.
Trees are blossoming.
Summer is coming.