Sunday, October 25, 2009

Heart Matters

What, why and how.

What IS 'the heart'?
An organ.
A source of feeling, emotion and passion.
Both physical and abstract.

WHY does the abstract version 'feel'?

And really, the main question is HOW, HOW, HOW.
How do we 'feel' pain?
Difficulty? Wretchedness?
Joy to the max, hope, determination.
HOW do these feelings overtake our minds?
HOW do they ravage through our thoughts?
WHAT is the co-relation between our heart feelings and physical happenings?
WHY can't we control them?
What ARE feelings?
WHY are they dry as dirt one week, then dripping with richness the next.



"When everything is wrong, the day has passed and nothing's done
and the whole world seems against me,
When I'm rolling in my bed, there's a storm in my head
I'm afraid of sinking into despair.
Teach me Lord to have faith
In what you're bringing me will
change my life and bring you glory.
THere on the storm I am learning to let go
of the will I am so longing to control.
There may I be in your arms eternally
I thank you Lord, you are the calmer of the storm."

Thursday, October 22, 2009


"Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible."
-Author Unknown

"Hope is always a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."
-Shawshank Redemption

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Materialism: Thoughts and Whatnot.

I think I'm gaining some insight into our culture's desperate demand to acquire more and more stuff, which requires more and more money.
Here is my mere psychological hypothesis on the situation.

I have spent the past six weeks unemployed, blessed with lots of time to sleep in, read, journal, think, cook, visit friends, travel home, take a roadtrip, spend time outside... I've had lots of time to myself. Which was what I truly needed and wanted. I've been able to work through a lot of stuff and learn lots.

And now? I'm ready for something else. I'm ready for some structure to my days (I loooove structure, apparently). I'm ready to pour my energies into something again. I'm ready to accomplish things for something else rather than my own mind. I have had too much time in my own thoughts and want to think about other things...

...because THIS is what I have found.
When it's all about you, and you're pouring all your efforts into 'developing yourself'... you don't feel outward accomplishment. And when you're not feeling outward accomplishment, you feel the void there. And you want to feel like you're gaining something.
This is a very vulnerable position to be in, because all of a sudden, there seems to be lots of things to 'gain': Cell Phone. Computer. Camera. Bumper Sticker. Canucks Flag for Car. Books. Bread. Coat.
...soon attaining and gaining merge to the same thing.

Why am I not feeling complete? Oh I need to do something with my time/I need to gain something.
Red Flag!
I don't have anything scheduled into my day. Oh I should go out. Hmm, I should have something to prove my time spent: I'll go buy some food. Or maybe a coffee.
Red Flag!

Something obviously isn't right in our hearts when we hit this point. The challenge is to find out what it is. Maybe it IS because of something legitimate, like not currently having a daily task to complete, ie. job, school, etc. But the question is, what does God want me to do in this limbo time? Definitely not look to gain/attain.
Because materialism definitely doesn't give sustainable fulfillment - only momentarily pleasure.
And gaining 'things' doesn't give us status or identity - only in worldly ways, which fade with the flowers.

No wonder our general population, who either subconsciously/consciously bored or searching for something, looking for fulfillment (even if only momentarily) and identity look to gaining materialistic items.
And people who are unable to work or study because of illness, depression, etc, are looking for their lives to count for something... fulfillment and identity are human desires... our culture points to 'stuff, stuff, stuff'... it's an easy out.
Or, perhaps, an 'easy in'.
But not sustainable.
Not permanent.
And definitely not fulfilling - it always leaves you wanting more, more, more.

"Most of us want more income so we can consume more. Yet as societies become richer, they do not become happier. In fact, the First World has more depression, more alcoholism and more crime than fifty years ago. This paradox is true of Britain, the United States, continental Europe and Japan."
I think I could write a paper on this. Just for fun.

"Researchers have found that low self-esteem and materialism are not just a correlation, but also a causal relationship where low self esteem increases materialism, and materialism can also create low self-esteem. The also found that as self esteem increases, materialism decreases."
Maybe another question is, "Is low self-esteem the cause for a majority of our culture's need for materialism?"
...and then "Why is low-self esteem such a problem in our culture?"
Media messages?
Cultural unrealistic expectations?
Lack of faith, truth, reason for existence?

Oh, Western Culture. Sometimes I just want to pop you like a balloon.
On that note, I am going to go make a sandwich.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Beauty from Ashes

Burnt Out.
You hear stories of family's homes that catch on fire: a forgotten candle, an electrical blip, the stove that was left on.
Family photos, gone. The playroom where house, tag, Monopoly and Lego was played, gone. The dining room where hundreds of family meals were shared, gone. The backyard and driveway where skills like riding a bike, building a campfire, mastering a backflip on the trampoline, gone.
Thick, deeps, unforgiving, irreversible ashes.

Sometimes our lives resemble that burnt property: passions dissolved, hopes dashed, compassion turned to apathy, visions deflated, energies emptied.
Burnt out.

They are a wildflower. Often purple.
They grow from ashes.
They don't need Grade A soil with all the nutrients. They use ashes to spur beautiful growth.
They are known as 'invasive' - meaning they see no boundaries as to where to grow. They take over meadows, roadsides, creeksides. Their presence is impossible to ignore. And they smell pretty.

God raises growth from the ashes.
And not just growth, growth that is beautiful.
Growth that overtakes the previously burnt land.
Growth that grows naturally.
Growth that heals the wounds.
Growth that gives hope.
Growth that inspires.
Growth that is impossible to ignore.

Even though much is lost, and the terrain is desolate, we can TRUST in the lupins, we can trust that God brings life from the ashes, and beauty from the broken.


God I trust that you will lead me, hold onto me, and HOLD ME, even if no one hires me and I completely run out of money and get so bored out of my mind in the days.
All in the process of your work in my life, all for your glory, time and money aren't your thing anyways. You're more into quality over quantity.
'Oh no, you never let go, through the calm and through the storm, oh no, you never let go.'
Thank you. Help me continue to have hope, faith and trust, continue to heal me and ground me in your love. You've got this one, cause I sure do not.
Love, Sarah

Sunday, October 4, 2009


It would entirely be alright with me if Jason Mraz got hit in the face with a cream pie today.