Sunday, October 25, 2009

Heart Matters

What, why and how.

What IS 'the heart'?
An organ.
A source of feeling, emotion and passion.
Both physical and abstract.

WHY does the abstract version 'feel'?

And really, the main question is HOW, HOW, HOW.
How do we 'feel' pain?
Difficulty? Wretchedness?
Joy to the max, hope, determination.
HOW do these feelings overtake our minds?
HOW do they ravage through our thoughts?
WHAT is the co-relation between our heart feelings and physical happenings?
WHY can't we control them?
What ARE feelings?
WHY are they dry as dirt one week, then dripping with richness the next.



"When everything is wrong, the day has passed and nothing's done
and the whole world seems against me,
When I'm rolling in my bed, there's a storm in my head
I'm afraid of sinking into despair.
Teach me Lord to have faith
In what you're bringing me will
change my life and bring you glory.
THere on the storm I am learning to let go
of the will I am so longing to control.
There may I be in your arms eternally
I thank you Lord, you are the calmer of the storm."

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