Sunday, November 8, 2009

I Will [Not]...

I will not fall victim to relentless Christmas marketing that has invaded this city since November 1st.
I will park my car for the Olympics and walk everywhere.
I will not get this flu that everyone is getting these days.
I will eat more vegetables starting this week.
I will not become addicted to my new, shnazzy cell phone.
I will choose to move forward.


  1. Or, as accountable as I can hold you from across the country.

    PS. New digits please. Text to me. 613-720-6873, as per usual.

  2. BAH! :D That makes me so happy I'm going to do it again! :D

  3. P.S. Are you eating your vegetables?

  4. sure am - last night i cut up a carrot and ate it raw!
