Confession: I used to keep a secret blog. And I found it tonight. This is what I wrote in the beginning of my 2nd year of college:
September 30th, 2006
I think I decided that... well, I am graduating spring 2008. And I'm going to build some experience working around here - become skilled at what I do, etc etc. And... then I think... if I don't have anything going for me here... I'm going to take off. To a place... that I know nothing about. And know no one there. And be completely unfamiliar. With new coffee shops and neighbors and shoe stores and parks and churchs. So that I have to build up a life again. Or rather, depending on where I am... let God build me up a life there. It's funny when I think about it... because I know that if I WAS in a place that was 100% new and unfamiliar, I know I would go to a church for familiarity. For friends and support and encouragement. Maybe that will happen one day... I'll be a stranger in some big city and I will walk into a little church that has God-lovers in it, and they will see me in my distress and confusion and incomplete-ness... and show me that love that seems to have become so normal around here.
New York?
It has to be somewhere I can wear a scarf and mittens in the winter though. They are very comforting :)
Current address: Vancouver, BC... didn't make the possibilites list, and I don't shop at shoe stores really, but man - forshadowing is wack, yo.
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