Monday, January 17, 2011

Today's top 20

I've been thinking about Vancouver and urban North American Culture, through, a slightly cynical yet fairly realistic lens, I'd like to think. I spent 3 hours last weekend rollerblading around Stanley Park and English Bay, where eye candy was high rise condos and manicured parks, and demonstrated lifestyles were dominantly "down town", urban folk.
Today, I was browsing though a book called CRAVE Vancouver - the ultimate guide to the places women crave in Vancouver.

I made a list of the top valued things in urban spaces.
Here is my list:
  1. Safety - cars, insurance, babysitting
  2. Health Care (a reflection of the above)
  3. Shiny things - hair, diamonds, lip gloss
  4. Ownership - houses, property, memberships
  5. Being modern - home decor, fashion
  6. Being vintage - bicycles, thrift store, fabric patterns
  7. Photos - memories or vanity?
  8. Production - make the most possible in the least amount of time
  9. Green things - toilet paper, vehicle fuel, grocery bags
  10. Organic - shampoo, dog food, vegetables
  11. Using less, recycling
  12. University education
  13. High quality sporting equipment/gear
  14. Community - enriching your community, yet there are 20 lawn mowers owned on your block?
  15. Good tasting food - without much clue where it comes from
  16. Being independently established, perhaps you have an involved spouse
  17. Investing in your children; lots of extracurriculars.
  18. Sex - good sex, safe sex, sex to sell products
  19. Saving money, so we can buy more stuff!
  20. "Treating yourself" - massages, chocolate, wine... because YOU deserve it

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